Saturday, November 28, 2009

Cuba tops the class in UN development report

If the true mark of a government's success is the development and happiness of the people, then the Cuban government is without a doubt outperforming most so called "developed countries". In a report published on October 5 by The United Nations Development Program's Human Development Cuba has out-performed almost every "developed country" in areas such as literacy, education levels, gender equality, and life expectancy.

" The report provides a summary indicator of people’s well-being using the Human Development Index (HDI). The HDI combines measures of life expectancy, literacy, school enrolment and gross domestic product (GDP) per capita for 182 countries and territories."

Cuba's overall score was let down by the country's low GDP per capita, but that is to be expected the economic isolation, caused by the US trade embargo, that the country has had to maneuver.

The article goes on to highlight the many other areas that Cuba has performed well in. While I am not a supporter of communism, though I don't think it is inherently wrong, credit must be given where it is due. There are many negative things that have been said about Cuba and the policy of the Cuban government over the years, but these numbers speak for themselves. Read the article for additional details about other areas that Cuba performs well in.

See -

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